Rachel's Blog

Monday, 9 February 2009

Submarine Smash Day's Reflection.

Smash day stands for "Smith's Marvelous Awesome Hoopla". Smash day is a day where we have activities and "missions" to accomplish. It is on the first science class of a new month. For the February's Smash day, we were to make a periscope that enables us to see from below the table into the box of items that we were suppose to identify. We were given 10 sheets of paper, a piece of cardboard, tape and 5 mirrors. We didn't modify our design, we mainly modified the angles of the mirrors. We knew that we had to modify the mirrors because we could not see from under the table to the top of the table. My group wasn't very cooperative, we didn't discuss our thoughts which made it hard for us to build the periscope. We had to keep asking each other what he/she was doing. And the changes that all of us made were logical. I would suggest to the person who will be doing this "mission", is firstly, when you hold a piece of tape for your group members to cut, speak nicely or yell at him to watch what he cuts on. Secondly, discussion is better when it comes before the construction of the periscope. And thirdly, three people should have jobs to do so that the building of the periscope will be finished in time.



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